Wednesday 16 April 2014

As A Lady;

The media industry impacts us 24/7, in one way or another its shaping the way we think. We read, watch, play, listen to entertaining content all the time so how could it not somehow be influencing our thoughts? Everything you put into your mind creates a specific outcome. It makes perfect sense why our father is so particular on what we surround ourselves with. 

 Women hold a lot of power so the media's motive is to use oppressive tools in order to disarm them.  

If the world harbours good women then together they can create a stronger society, they build up, support and bring out excellence in our men so that the world can make positive advancements. Through pure love for the woman, men are compelled to being better fathers to the children that are being raised on stable grounds. However if we are creating a world of insecure women with low self respect they are more than likely to cause more damage to anyone they come in contact with. Promiscuous, vain and selfish women bring men to their downfall in one shot, if not then they break them slowly sometimes even bringing out the worst in them meaning they fall short of they're true potential. Just like the devil, if he can't bring you down he will wear you down. These broken women have chosen to mimic the behaviours of the devil, lying/cheating and lack of sexual control and thus wear their lovers down with heartache, disease and bitterness leading to misogyny oriented attitudes, the list goes on and on. It is important to understand that women are the backbone to society, raising children and building men up, they're importance should not be undermined under any circumstance. 

 “If we don't buy into it, they can't sell it to us” 

 Advertisements make us feel like we're never good enough, constantly picking at our imperfections and claiming there is a “better” version of us we can achieve if you.. Buy this and that, but its never enough. We have idolised celebrities which embody the ideal of perfection. It is unattainable yet it puts us under more pressure seeing how flawless they appear to be. We try harder to be deemed as attractive by societies standards and in the process harm ourselves. And its not just women who get bullied by the media, we have been told that to be seen as a real man of social value you have to be strong, rich or handsome but for them looks aren't as much of an issue as it is for females. 

 These superficial issues make excellent means for distracting us from what is really important. We concentrate on the present times and seek acceptance in the hungry penetrating eyes of the world. Be careful, the world will never be satisfied with what you're offering, it will consume even you're carcass when given the opportunity. In order to counteract this we need to direct our egos away from ourselves and set our sights towards the bigger picture. Realise the constant bombardment of audios and visuals have a hidden but sole purpose of putting shame to our flaws. The result, self objectification. We dehumanize ourselves and degrade our existence to nothing of significant value and become a visual object. From here it can easily morph into vanity our self centred nature will hinder us from caring for others and wanting to make a difference in our world. The consumer companies become richer, we spend more money on beauty products and clothing rather than education which in effect limits our occupational roles. Self objectification is lethal, it is a form of idolised behaviour which can lead to a number of things including lowered ambition, eating disorders and depression. 

 Thou shall not worship false Idols. This doesn't just mean directing worship towards other Gods from different religions. Religion exemplifies a strong Relationship, therefore its actually anything that we place a level of higher importance on other than God himself. It can be your “religion” to spend more time on career, boyfriend/girlfriend, obsessing over your favourite artist, weight issues, video game, tv programme etc all these things are idols. But in this case the perpetrator is yourself, vanity. You're spending the majority of your time on self centred activities such as pampering, worrying, excessive shopping or maybe just plotting on how to improve your current looks. But this itself is a sin. So in effect we are shrinking our fire, we feel like less of a person, then before we know the lowered self esteem kicks in from the constant scrutiny and comparisons going on in our mind. In the end it will leave you distressed and down in the dumps. All this comes to life when we loose touch with our true nature and degrade ourselves to a visual object. Through the hidden yet obvious powers of media, we are somewhat all guilty of being sucked into conforming to these worldly expectations and falling for the so called knowledge mankind has fabricated. The majority of it, if not all, are pure lies. How?

 Let's take the concept of beauty.

 It hasn't got a set standard has it? Beauty is based on perspective, sure there can be one person that an extremely large amount of people believe to be drop dead gorgeous, like “Beyonce” or “Brad Pitt” but not everyone will agree that they're attractive. In fact there are many people who don't find them the slightest bit appealing. To be blunt, If you have acquired a load of worldly knowledge and feel highly advanced and intellectual, my friend you have gained nothing great. In fact “with what you think you know”, its easier to allow your pride loving flesh to take over and shrink your fire. Everything here on earth is uncertain. Humans have no sense of direction without God. This is why he gave us.. 

 The truth. 

 Its such a beautiful concept. 

 In a world plagued with lies and deception God left us an instruction manual/map so we could find our way back home if we ever got lost in the midst. This book is called the Bible. 66 books of power allowing us, to live in happiness whilst unlocking our dreams here on earth. There have been other books written by authors claiming to know the secrets to power, for example “The secret” I read some of it and felt like it was strongly based on the bible, it just excluded God. Shocking. But its comforting to know that the bible is the one and only Truth, if people are taking the word, omitting the core essence of it and are even getting some small time results how much more power will we gain if we have a personal relationship with the ultimate author himself? WOAH just woah. The foolish ones underestimate the power of the word. Human knowledge has no absolute value, we're living in a dying world and what we say is of a temporary value. Our father holds the eternal never changing truth, it is way beyond our human capacity of understanding. The sacred book was one of the three gifts God offers us. Remember, when Jesus left the earth he released the holy ghost onto the world, this guides and heals the lost and broken spirits. He searches the earth for sorrowful and contrite hearts eager to offer them the renewal they need to make them whole again.  We have conjured up an enormous pile of theories about our existence, societal expectations, scientific explanations and philosophical beliefs which are all claiming to be correct, our minds have been attacked with so many human ideas that the bible seems like an archaic or “outdated” way of life. When we were kids, anything our parents told us we believed it without question, but as we “matured” the why's and how's come to mind, causing us to doubt and finally seek a more detailed understanding for ourselves. However the place in which we look for answers, crawls with seriously distorted shards of information which can appear very convincing if heard long enough. The result? instead of progressing from child to adult, we go backwards. As adults, we will be living in a warped reality whilst as children the truth was perfectly clear. Suddenly, everywhere people are questioning the bible and even dismissing it in order to take control of their lives. Classic case of human pride, go figure. 

 Isn't it funny, the more we've marginalised faith, the more our economy collapses. We think, we're making progress. Yet visual and audio evidence says otherwise. People in powerful positions are making misguided decisions based on their own understanding. News reports claiming “this is the worst _ ever recorded” “Records hold no _ this high”.

 Kind of like building furniture without anyone looking for the instruction booklet, the world as we know it is falling to pieces. 

 Today, we must humble ourselves and revert to the ways of the young. Due to life's disappointments, we find it hard to trust, we may have been betrayed, deceived and let down by people closest to us. But we must separate the experiences of our human life to the nature of God. If you get to know him and make that decision to give him your full trust, he will NEVER let you down. Lying is not one of Gods characteristics, his word will definitely come to pass. Its time we take in everything the bible says without question for it is way beyond our human ability to fully grasp the amazing ways of our father. 

 Hebrews13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” 

Who Am I?

I've looked in the mirror, not for the purpose of examining physical attributes but really looked at ME. Its weird to think that I'm controlling the person staring back. Then there comes the question who am I? My personality isn't what makes me, that changes due to surroundings, my image isn't what defines the true me.. & then recently I heard a song that went something like this  “I'm not a natural being with a spiritual experience but a spiritual being experiencing a natural existence” And bang! All my identity issues were answered.

 When God created us, he made us in his own image. What this means is that every single person who existed, exists & is soon to exist are all individually sculpted by his hands. However even with all our obvious similarities, human beings weren't a batch production, we all consist of intricate and unique designs assigned to us by our father. But this exterior wasn't made to determine WHO we are.

 The body I am in is a temple for “me”. You see, God took a piece of himself and put it into our human body, this is what we call spirit, and that is your true self. Now this little fire, is the same size for everyone when we are born. But as we grow up and endure life's challenges, the choices that we make will either grow the fire or shrink it. For example, continuous sin. The result of consistent sin eventually leaves you feeling empty, dull and finally sends you to your grave. These momentary self centred pleasures we guiltily indulge in such as, lying, profanity, pride, pre marital sex, idol worshipping, drinking etc. will cause us to wither inside. As God's children we are already far away from our home, which is “With God” in heaven, the earth is not our true place of belonging. It is temporary, everything we see will come to an end. Our bodies will return to dust, because it is from the very earth which we walk on, that our worldly self's are created from.

  However in life if you chose to meditate, & grow your fire by making the right choices (as hard as they may be in this world where the devil has made grounds for play) you will achieve a kind of happiness which pays no attention to external factors such as health, social class, love, lack of money, loneliness etc, why? Well because you are concentrating on feeding your spirit! you will feel at home because you have surrounded you're temple with things the God in you desires. And even though you're in this world where they will never accept you, you will feel at peace because you know exactly what you are. A piece of your heavenly father. It is those who forget they're roots, who become lost and unhappy.

 We have to be serious about making ourselves feel at home. As mentioned earlier the Devil is a predominant figure in society. He wants to make us feel worthless so that our spirits fall. He does this by tempting us to sin and as a person your biggest mistake will be to think you're strong enough to resist sin alone. You need back up from a stronger spirit, your father, God. However if a person dies and the fire has shrunk due to the choices made, the fire will fall down into hell just as the Devil wanted. He's so determined to belittle us, perhaps so he can have more slaves in hell and enjoy his reign as king. I believe this is what is meant by “taking your glory”. On earth his aim is to take away your opportunity to return to your father and be given the love you deserve. The Devil doesn't love you, he hates you. So as good as sin may feel, remember its purpose is to bring you down.

 The spirits who have grown, will rise up and be attracted to the path of light, it leads them home to their daddy. God will sometimes put you in a pitch black stormy situation, you may think you have reached a dead end but its in these times that people fall to their knees and realise they are truly powerless. This is Gods way of humbling you and beckoning you closer to him. It pains him to watch us suffer, we complain and cry and ask why me, but think about it, if the death of a family member, job loss or illness causes us to take that first step to God, which is more important? The minor worldly situation or growing your shrunken spirit so God can have you back home..  OK so you're going through rough times..  Cliché as it sounds You're not alone.